Schedule of Events

Important Travel Dates

Sunday 24

Earliest recommended departure

Monday 25
Tuesday 26
Wednesday 27
Thursday 28
Friday 29
Saturday 30

Sunday 01

Recommended arrival date to Oaxaca

Monday 02


Latest recommended arrival to Oaxaca

Tuesday 03

Race day

Wednesday 04


*Your flight must land by 1pm

* Your flight must land by 1pm or you will not make it to the expo in time and risk not being able to pick up your race packet. You cannot take part in the race without your race materials. If your flight arrives after 1pm on Saturday, you have to change your flight.

Schedule of Events

Viernes Actividad Lugar
1:00 PM - 6:00PM Bike Expo Ford GFNY Oaxaca Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca
1:00PM - 6:00PM Oaxaca race packet pickup (Mandatory) Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca
Sábado Actividad Lugar
7:00AM - 10:00AM

Ford GFNY Oaxaca traditional group ride with the pros

El Mestizaje
12:00PM - 6:00PM Bike Expo Ford GFNY Oaxaca Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca
12:00PM - 6:00PM Oaxaca race packet pickup (Mandatory) Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca
Domingo Actividad Lugar
5:30AM Opening of corrals Gimnasio Ricardo
Flores Magón
6:30AM Closing of corrals Gimnasio Ricardo
Flores Magón
7:00AM Start of  Ford GFNY Oaxaca Gimnasio Ricardo
Flores Magón
9:00AM - 4:00PM Start of finish line festivities and expo Polideportivo Venustiano

Estimated arrival of the winner of
Ford GFNY Oaxaca to the top of Ixtepeji.

Polideportivo Venustiano
12:00 PM

Estimated awards ceremony time,
overall winners

Polideportivo Venustiano
2:00 PM

Estimated time awards ceremony, age group
& category winners

Polideportivo Venustiano

Raffle giveaway, including Shimano prizes,
GFNY products and more

Polideportivo Venustiano
4:00PM Course closes Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca
5:00PM End of festivities Centro Cultural de
Convenciones de Oaxaca

